Tuesday, 10 September 2013

I've started Weight Watchers!

Yesterday, on Monday 9th September I joined Weight Watchers. If you’re not sure what Weight Watchers is, it’s a monthly membership to classes, online tracks and apps that help you to lose weight. It costs £12.95 to join but I got a discounted rate for my first month as I joined by being recommended by a friend. 

I haven’t been happy with my weight for quite some time now and have started a diet on countless Mondays (it always has to be a Monday!). I’ve noticed that I can’t fit into certain clothes anymore and feel really uncomfortable on nights out. So, I figured that it was time to seriously do something about it! 

The problem is, is that I don’t have any self-discipline. If I have a biscuit at work then I’ll usually then think to myself ‘Oh I’ve had one biscuit, I might aswell have five more, and a Chinese takeaway for tea and then some cake afterwards!” It just doesn’t work for me. I need someone or something to work for so, from my point of view, Weight Watchers is perfect for me! 

You get weighed once a week and it is recorded down on your tracking card so you can see how much weight you’re losing or gaining each week. You can choose which day a week that you want to get weighed and then they tell you your nearest class for that day. I chose a Monday as I feel like Mondays are a fresh start to the week and you’ll feel great and motivated for the rest of the week if you reach a target weight. I received a pack on my first day with lots of different handy booklets to show what foods are best to eat and what to avoid and also some low fat recipes to try. I was also introduced to the Weight Watchers app where you can track the food you’ve eaten that day. Each food is classed with a different number of Pro Points and on your very first class you are given a daily allowance of Points depending on your height, weight, age and gender. For example; a jacket potato with tuna is 7 points and a packet of Quavers are 2 points. The less points the better. Some foods are even worth 0 points! They worked out that I am allowed 29 Pro Points a day in order to lose weight and the app really helps me to keep track of this. All you do is type in the food that you’ve eaten and the app will tell you how many Pro Points that it’s worth and take it off your daily allowance. It really is as easy as that. The best bit is that you’re also given an extra 49 points for the whole week (standard for everyone) if you really fancy that cake in the bakery or if you go out on a Saturday night (a diet vodka and coke is only 2 points!). It is then your choice if you use these 49 points in the week or not. 

So, that is everything that I learnt on my first day at Weight Watchers. I’ll do a monthly update to share with you how much weight I’ve lost (fingers crossed!) and how I’m finding the whole process. I’ve managed two whole days so far so things are looking good haha! 


  1. Good luck to you! :)


  2. Hey, I nominated you for the Liebster award, you can see it here: http://blogthiswithhannah.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/i-was-nominated-for-liebster-award.html :) you have an awesome blog! x

  3. I know this was posted a while ago, but I hope you're doing well :D
    I've thought about doing Weightwatchers for a while now and always seem to put it off, and just like you I always think that if I'm having one chocolate bar I've already broke the rules and may as well have 8, hahah.
    Great post, would you like to follow eachother? :)

    1. Ahh thankyou! :) yeah I thought about it for a while but I'm not regretting it so far, I'd definitely recommend it if you're thinking about it :) and I know I'm the exact same! Why have one piece of chocolate when you can have five hahaha
      Yeah sure I'll follow you :)
      Thanks for the comment!
